Co2Compliance promise to make the process
to legal compliance simple.

If your company meets both of the following thresholds you are legally required to register with the appropriate Environment Agency:

  • Has an annual turnover exceeding £2M
  • Handles 50 tonnes of packaging annually (see here for examples of 50 tonnes)

To register simply fill out our registration form online our download  a copy and return it to us by post and by email. Co2Compliance will register your organization within 48 hours of receipt.


Registration Form for Non Allocation 2016

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Registration Form 2016

Once registered, your sole responsibility will be collating and reporting all packaging handled in the previous calendar year. We have prepared some guidance notes to assist you with the completion of the annual packaging data submission form: Data Submission Guidance 2014. We also supply you with a form with which to report your data.

The Co2 Compliance team of experts is here to guide you through the entire process. Please submit your data submission online or download a copy and return by email to


Data Form 2016

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View form

Data Form 2016

What If I Do Nothing?

If you continue to operate non-compliantly , your company will face legal action for the Environment Agency, bad publicity and potentially very heavy fines (heaviest so far £271,000).

Routes To Compliance

You can out-source your legal obligation to a government-approved Compliance Scheme like Co2Compliance.  90% of registered companies have chosen this route as registering direct with the Environment Agency incurs additional costs and a strain on resources.

What Co2Compliance Do For You

If you register with Co2Compliance your one legal responsibility is to collate your data and submit it to us.  All other legal responsibilities are taken on by Co2Compliance at this stage.  We will also:

  • Provide Simple Clear Guidance on Submitting your Annual Packaging Weights Submission
  • Calculate annual obligation against Government targets
Offset recovery and recycling obligations
Offset your legal obligations at lowest possible cost
Offset Consumer Information Obligations (CIO)
Offer expert support and updates
Provide continual analysis of the packaging waste and recovery markets to ensure lowest cost to you
Provide quarterly updates to keep you informed
Provide you with a personal account manager to assist you at all times

If you choose to register directly with the appropriate Environment Agency, which will incur additional costs, your responsibilities will be as follows:

Register with the Agency
Work out your packaging obligations
Submit your packaging waste data
Produce and submit annual Operational Plan
Recover and recycle set amounts of packaging
Produce evidence each year to the Agency as proof of compliance
Fulfill your Consumer Information Obligations (CIO) where defined as a ‘seller’.

Registration Form 2016

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Co2Compliance Limited
  • 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR
  • 2nd Floor, Hamilton House, Bloomsbury, London, WC1H 9BB
  • +44 (0)845 519 7961