The Consumer Information Obligations (CIO) were introduced as part of the Packaging Waste Regulations in March 2000. They require obligated businesses defined as ‘sellers’ (businesses whose main packaging activity is ‘selling’) to inform their customers about recycling. This covers both business-to-business sellers and business-to-consumer sellers. The experts at Co2Compliance can offset your Consumer Information Obligations completely for you. Customers should be provided with the following information:

  • Where packaging can be taken to be recycled
  • What the customer's role is in recycling
  • The meaning of labels on packaging
  • The relevant chapters on packaging in the national waste strategies

Information for your customers

Can be found in our

Recycling Zone

All of this information for your customers can be found on the Recycling Zone

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Co2Compliance Limited
  • 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR
  • 2nd Floor, Hamilton House, Bloomsbury, London, WC1H 9BB
  • +44 (0)845 519 7961