Data Submission Timeline


  • 1st January – Data Submission form sent to all members (packaging handled to be completed in relevant tables).
  • By the 19th February Completed Data Submission form should be sent electronically to
  • Co2Compliance will then enter your data into our obligation calculator and send you a completed Data Form for final signature (legal requirement for a Director of the Company Submission as being ‘as accurate as reasonably possible’).
  • Signed and completed forms should be sent both electronically to and by recorded mail for the attention of the Compliance Manager.
  • Data Submission received after the 19th March runs the risk of a late submission penalty and further delays may result in the scheme having to suspend membership.
  • Co2Compliance will register all members with the Agency by the 7th April.
  • Any revisions submitted to the scheme following the 19th March are subject to additional Agency Fees and Scheme Admin Charges.

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Co2Compliance Limited
  • 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR
  • 2nd Floor, Hamilton House, Bloomsbury, London, WC1H 9BB
  • +44 (0)845 519 7961