ESOS is a UK mandatory energy assessment and opportunity scheme, and it’s important to understand the obligations placed on UK business and the compliance steps to take.

Obligated participants are required to undertake an Energy Audit by a Qualified and Registered Lead ESOS Auditor, approved by the Environment Agency.

Co2Compliance are experts in the field of environmental compliance and have experienced qualified professionals to help. To arrange for a free consultation, call us on 0845 519 **** or send an email to

What is the ESOS Qualification Criteria?

Reporting Obligations for UK companies that:

  • have more than 250 employees or
  • have less than 250 employees but a turnover and balance sheet exceeding £50 million and £43 million respectively

NB: ESOS will require the whole Group of companies to report where only one part of the Group meets the criteria.

ESOS Undertaking Requirements

  • Submit and total estimate of the organisations total energy consumption (including- energy used in buildings – transport – industrial process)
  • Identify the major sources of energy consumption within the organisation equating to 90% of the total. A further detailed audit is required for the areas identified to look for potential efficiencies.
  • Submit an official declaration to the scheme administrator; Environment Agency / SEPA / NIEA.
  • Although not part of the scheme it is assumed that the efficiency recommendations from the Energy Assessors report will be implemented by the board resulting in cost savings.

Compliance Reporting

Organisations will be required to undertake an energy audit / assessment by a Qualified and Registered Lead ESOS Auditor. A declaration, signed by a Company Director, confirming the details of the assessments are as accurate as reasonably possible.

As an alternative route to undertaking ESOS audit, obligated companies may comply with the UK Government Scheme through a number of other routes:

  • Implementing and operating a certified ISO 50001 energy management system
  • Obtaining Display Energy Certificates (DEC) or
  • Carry out Green Deal Assessments

Co2 Compliance are experts in the field of environmental compliance and have experienced qualified professionals to help. For a free consultation call us on 0845 519 **** or send an email to

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Co2Compliance Limited
  • 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR
  • 2nd Floor, Hamilton House, Bloomsbury, London, WC1H 9BB
  • +44 (0)845 519 7961