DEFRA Announce EPR Proposals for the Future Packaging Regulations 2023-2027.

UK Government have this weekend released the much awaited summary and detail of last years Consultation on the future of the Extended Producer Responsibility System.

The Key Points from the Summary are the following Proposals are as follows:

·       EPR, Extended Producer Responsibility System,will now be phased in from 2024 (1 year delay) focusing on Producer Payments to Household Packaging Waste.

·      Annual EPR cost projections reduced from £2.7/bnto £1.7bn

·      Modulated Fees based on Packaging MaterialsRecyclability will be introduced from 2025, with more detailed reporting requirementsfor Producers from next year, 2024.

·       The current PRN System will remain for next year 2023 with some small changes, and from 2024 -2027 to
demonstrate Producer Recycling Obligations have been met.

·      Glass packaging will not be included in the proposed DRS, Deposit Return Scheme, and will be funded through the new EPR System.

·      No further details were given on the timeline of the DRS.

·       All compostable and biodegradable packaging to given the label ‘do not recycle’.

Over the coming months DEFRA will look to consult on some small changes to the existing PRN System to make it more transparent and efficient to work alongside the initial EPR System.

Hopefully there will be more details coming from Government, detailing the more detailed Packaging Weights required to be submitted and we will keep you updated as and when details become available.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Full details of the Consultation Summary can also be found here.

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